AoIR2016: Bending

This was a fascinating session run by The Fourchettes collective, with a focus on un-block-boxing, thinking about it through axes of power, and by recognising spaces of invisibility (and the importance of preparing them). It was facilitated by Alison Harvey (University of Leicester, United Kingdom), Mary Elizabeth Luka (York University, Canada), Jessalynn Keller (University of … Continue reading AoIR2016: Bending

Upcoming contribution to ‘Compromised Data: From Social Media to Big Data’

I'm happy to see that the Compromised Data colloquium that Tim and I presented at in late 2013 has lead to the publication of Compromised Data: from social media to big data: There has been a data rush in the past decade brought about by online communication and, in particular, social media (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, … Continue reading Upcoming contribution to ‘Compromised Data: From Social Media to Big Data’