ICA18 Day 2: narrating voice, digital media and the body, feminist theorisation beyond western cultures, collective memory, and voices of freedom and constraint

Narrating Voice and Building Self on Digital and Social Media 'This is Lebanon’: Narrating Migrant Labor to Resistive Public. Rayya El Zein, University of Pennsylvania. This research looks at the calling into being of an ideal political subject through social media. 'This is Lebanon' is a platform run by a Nepalese immigrant, Dipendra Upetry, where … Continue reading ICA18 Day 2: narrating voice, digital media and the body, feminist theorisation beyond western cultures, collective memory, and voices of freedom and constraint

Teaching on Facebook and content restrictions

Today when I logged into Facebook I got a message letting me know that I was banned from posting any content for the next 24 hours. Another contributor from a group I help to moderate had posted 'inappropriate content' and so all moderators for that group were temporarily locked from posting to Facebook at all. … Continue reading Teaching on Facebook and content restrictions

IR13 Sunday highlights: mobile ecologies, Instagram, disruptive spaces, teaching on Facebook…and a bit more activism

The day began with 'Mobile ecologies: mobile phones and young people's online participation in public access venues in Cape Town' from Marion Walton and Jonathan Donner. Walton started by saying that mobile Internet in South Africa doesn't, for the most part, mean smart phones, the Web, or Twitter: it means "feature phones", and probably platforms … Continue reading IR13 Sunday highlights: mobile ecologies, Instagram, disruptive spaces, teaching on Facebook…and a bit more activism

IR13 Friday Session: Protest and Online Activism

There have been more talks here on activism than it's been physically possible for me to attend without splitting into two. Friday afternoon's session on protest and online activism began with a look at 'Protest and Internet humour memes in UK universities' from Gordon Fletcher, which was pleasantly LOL-heavy (even if I was missing the … Continue reading IR13 Friday Session: Protest and Online Activism